Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My Love.

Anarchy, by definition, implies 'anything goes' from an amoral point of view. Yet an ontological anarchy--a genuine anarchic existence--would be posterior to (and distinct from) the present conditions. However, what we mean here is merely different without conditions stretching everywhere. Conditions that eat into differences in order to return these modified bodies into The Same makes genuine difference impossible. What we wish for is a world in which difference is permitted to let be because everything has value. Importantly, the proposition that suggests not everything has value or, some morals are necessary is only permitted under this sign to be let be in its place. Folks should be free to dissociate if they wish to have no morals, or, more precisely, a morality of their own devising, just the same as they are free to dissociate from the rest to produce moral conditions they desire for themselves.

So imagine a series of circles that constitute the plane of reality. What we are saying for anarchy is that there wouldn't be an overriding circle that subsumes myriad circles; indeed, that there may be a circle that is so well defined (since anarchy is merely actualized possibility) that it could be imperialistic towards differences, in the sense that it wouldn't be surprising for it to so devolve. From within our present conditions, 'anything goes' only goes so far, and much of what is experienced precipitates the desire to produce inverted forced conditions. But we need not go so far, and we need not leave where we are. It is the belief that we should be permitted to go elsewhere and not experience different moralities that makes us imperialistic. Inverted conditions may indeed serve some purposes. But we want to invert the imperialistic process, not just the brand. We want to see folks find themselves, or even to find those that are comfortable with individuals being themselves.--And we feel nothing for those that do not wish to do the same. 

A pertinent issue here is the question concerning keeping to oneself. It is not that imperialism is bad because one thereby doesn't keep to oneself; it is not that imperialism is bad, more precisely; it is that there are only consequences. If one doesn't defend oneself against imperialists, perhaps one deserves their chains. Anarchy permits us to be concerned with defending ourselves from imperialism, and to lose hope in building a big happy world ruled by ideology, which functions according to imperialism and the making Same of wild amoral bodies. 

So we are once again advocating breaking away and building, so that we can defend ourselves when the time comes. To suppose that dissociation isn't our best trick is ultimately an effort to imperialize in a different register. We invert even the conditions of inversion until we can defend what we desire.

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