Monday, March 23, 2015

The politics of dispossession

Leftists tend to presume that we are entitled to a piece of the pie, a product of theft from other animal peoples, curiously justified as better if tending towards reproductive futurism. Right wing fucks suppose that one is entitled to the fruits of state-given properties, thieved, of course, via imperialism and genocide, and passed along as accumulated capital that one is hardly entitled to. None of this is play--the billionaire playboy mocks the term 'play', and the leftist only dreams of vacation (which is getting ready for work), and if not, pathetically, they dream of job satisfaction.

What interests me is the way in which leftwing rhetoric articulates that we simply must struggle for pie; and that the theft of civileges constitutes a reason for struggle. But what if we undervalue ascension in civilization, indeed, cut it down, and accept the removal of our dependencies? Part of the problem is surely that we value the things we are trained to value by the left. But what if we take back value, per se, and transvalue progress? What if we forget the commune, forget the enlightenment promise, and advocate for the destruction of civilege? Is the state then doing us a favour when we can no longer count on it to save us with handouts?

Anyone that has carried on the ridiculous desire of gaining degrees comes to terms eventually with student politics. In any event, it is presently argued that it is just unfair that TA's don't make the kind of money TA's once did; that it's unfair that temporary work has come to be the rule (not the exception) in all areas on the dying parasite host that is leviathan. We say so be it. We affirm that it is precisely when fascism shows up that people are readied and enabled to attack; that civileges being taken permits us to take back our lives from working for others. It positions us to simply play. Play seems best, in my opinion, when one's hand is forced, when one has no other option. Hence, play doesn't follow privilege; for it has nothing to do with it; and it might be, by definition, impossibly productive--and so, impossibly recuperated.

The TA's trying to get more money, trying to fit (rectudio) with reproductive futurism, fail to realize that none of us have any future; that capitalism is a fixed game privileging accumulated capital, and that none of us can have anything but scraps of fruit and crust from the already eaten pie. Even the jejune effort of anarcho-syndicalists to occupy and replace bosses at work with workers as bosses, fails to address how late into capitalism we actually are. Every functioning consumption apparatus must be occupied so that one's anarcho-syndicalist productivity cannot be ignored with new flows of already existing capital.--Sounds free right? Like a fence?

The left says that the right wants us to be individualized so that we cannot take back anything. But atomization is better than the false truth that collectivity is rewarding; for from the place of precariousness one can see for themselves if they are worthy of life, in the truest qualitative sense, very much and obviously opposed to purchasing life from the store.--Maybe we can see for ourselves the law of decomposition: If you can't truck it in the wild, maybe it's time to lay down and die. Of course from the place of oneself, one can find others beyond the masks of identity politics; one can feel precarity and act with purpose with true others--not allies. Both the left and the right offer us nothing but a down-going line of flight, an up-going ascent of civilege. Their trajectory is boring as fuck. Ours cannot be.

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